Monday, 26 October 2009

Facebook rant, Pt 2

For this brief post I thought that I would once again talk about that big blue social behemoth that is Facebook. To be honest I do not really like treading over old ground, but in this case I am willing to make an exception.

Every now and then the makers of Facebook will decide that they deem it neccesary to change some of the aspects of the site to try and make it easier to use. Sometimes when they try and do this they don't always get it exactly right first time.

This of-course leads some of the members to become very angry and annoyed, and to my dismay, increasingly more vocal.

Now before I go any further I would like to stress that Facebook, besides being a den for sex offenders, z-list celebs and YOUR MOTHER, is an entirely free service.

Can you remember a time before Facebook, before metaphorical walls and un-neccesary notifications telling you how many times a week your friends wash their hands, (true story).
A time where there was no tagging or poking, (or as I like to call it the, "lolololol its sounds kind of rude" button).

My point being, in the past if you wanted to talk to an old friend you would have to get their contact details and make the effort to get in touch. Facebook, (and as much as I loathe to say this), has made socialising a hell of alot easier.

So what I am going to suggest is that all of the people that have decided to take it upon themselves to fight the war on change, please take a second to realise that if your life has got to the point at which you feel the need to whinge about what order your "poking" buttons are in, then you may have gone completely mad. Maybe you could step outside of your den of internet debauchery for a second and take a trip into that wonderful world of REAL LIFE, where you may find your liberal use of the word, "lol", and absolute disregard for any subject matter that Simon Cowell hasn't touched with his brush of seemingly never ending originality, just a tad on the side of UNBELIEVABLY ANNOYING.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I gotta say I, seemingly one of the only ones at that, actually like the new Facebook!
    Also I, again one of the only ones, don't have my mother on there, I even said to her "If you ever get a Facebook account I will NOT add you"!

