Thursday 15 October 2009

Pink fruit and a couple of slashes

For my second post it would have been quite easy, (and rather predictable), to spend the time talking about last nights big match in which England gave Belarus a good old 3-0 beating at Wembley. And it is precisely because of this sense of the inevitable that I have decided to not talk about that but instead kick off, (no pun intended), with something as far removed from football as I could get, namely the exciting world of oddly coloured fruit.

It seems that Kew Gardens Millennium seed bank in Sussex has on their travels around China have stumbled across the existence of a pink banana. They made this particularly odd discovery as they were making their way around Asia looking for rare species of plants to freeze, and keep in their underground equivalent of a botanical batcave.

The group was quoted as saying that the discovery may change the way we look at the banana forever. Though I'm not too sure about you but Iv never been that bothered in any particular way about the colour of my fruit. Of course there may be those of you out there who have, until this point, avoided the banana, merely on the basis that you found its shade of garish sunshine yellow a tad too offensive for your palette. But then again if you did I doubt that you would find this new coat of Fluorescent pink any less of an assault on your eyes.

Also this discovery marks the fact that 10% of the world's plants are now safe in storage in the aforementioned gardeners' world HQ in Sussex. So at least we can all sleep safe in our beds knowing that such treasures as the pink banana and the mystical Indian chocolate flavoured gherkin wont be going anywhere anytime soon.

In the last part of this post I want to give a mention to a story I came across involving Sir Tim Berners Lee, who of course is the founder of a little thing known as the internet. This week he has made a public apology for putting in the two forward slashes that come before web addresses, and has been quoted as saying he had no idea that they had caused, "this much hassle and wasted this much paper".

So to those of you out there who have been sitting behind your computer screens becoming increasingly incensed at these un-necessary vertical lines, and have been sharpening your knives at the thought of Mr Lees seemingly blatant disregard for your paper wastage, he's apologised now, so leave the man in peace.

I think though if you have got to the point where you feel the need to moan about two lines in a web address, then it may be time to step outside and get some fresh air, as you have clearly gone absolutely stark raving bonkers.


  1. Must say when I eat a banana I've never thought "Man, this would look good in pink!"

    Also Sir Tim Berners Lee never seems to get the praise he deserves, although I'd like to see what he thinks of his creation as the monster it has become.

    I agree with the last paragraph, those who take things like the '//' so seriously as a dampener on their day should take a break from their computer, I mean hell I spend most of my working day (when I'm not 'working' on Facebook) coding and I've never had any problems with having to type so many of the same thing over and over so having to type '//' doesn't bother me!

  2. Exactly I spend most of my days on computers editing and on various other social networking sites, (coughs), and they have never bothered me. I guess if all they have got to moan about is forward slashes then life must be pretty good lol.

    As far as the Tim Berners Lee question, I agree, would be interesting to see what he thinks.

