Monday 19 October 2009

Going once, Going twice.......sold to the man in the white sparkly outfit.

For this post I thought I would do things a bit differently and keep this quite brief. The reason being that the story I have stumbled across is one that I feel obliged to let you know about. The problem being I am not sure that there is an awful lot to say about it.

This week there has been a charity auction held in Chicago in which the possessions of a certain, Elvis Presley went up for sale to avid fans and collectors. Amongst the various items for sale was a clump of hair that was shaved off his head when he joined the army.

This particular item sold for nothing short of $15,000 to one lucky fan who chose to remain nameless, (which I am sure is certainly the best option in the circumstances).

Now what interests me about this, is that it begs the question of, what in the name of all that is sacred in this world would you do with a clump of a fat mans hair that, (and I am sorry if you're a fan), died on the toilet next to a massive pile of crack and inebriated hookers, whilst chomping on what was probably his fifteenth cheeseburger of the evening ?

I mean there is only limited things you can do with something as peculiar as someone's hair. I mean I guess you could frame it and hang it in your living room, making a somewhat odd but strangely compelling conversation piece. Or maybe you could take the hair and knit it into some sort of strange cloth to drape over your Elvis shrine.

Either way, I feel as if I have got my point across that buying the hair of other people, regardless of whether they are dead celebrities or not, is just mental.

Until my next post, I leave you to ponder that.

1 comment:

  1. It is weird what people collect of the stars. And I'm not much of an Elvis fan either...

